We keep on fostering the persistent dream of Elio Zago, the founder of Zago Moulds Solutions: to ensure safety, health, and comfort to all feet all over the world.
Since 1958, we have been co-creating and manufacturing high-quality moulds tested with the most recent injection technologies. Since then not only we have been fully respectful of our industrial field standards, but we have been often outperforming. That’s why our products have been inspiring footwear manufacturers all over the world.
Because Zago is synonym of excellence: not only a way of being, but above all a way of doing.
We take particular care of our environmental ecosystem and the future of the planet. Environmental sustainability is at the heart of our company values. Concretely we are committed to respecting the artic environment saving 185 tons of CO2 each year with our own solar panel system.
Mountaineering and winter sports are a family passion, passed down together with valuable knowledge of the world of footwear from generation to generation.
When storm Vaia hit the Dolomites in 2018, it did not only leave a scar on the majestic peaks of Trentino Alto-Adige and their ecosystem, but also on all of us who have learned to love them over the years.
This is why we have decided to make a commitment to help restore the UNESCO World Heritage mountains and their forests after the tragedy by becoming a partner of Trentino Tree Agreement.